Cookie Policy

When you visit our website www. (hereinafter referred to as the ''Website'') We use cookies to improve your experience and to collect information about your visits to the website in order to improve it.

What are cookies?
In order to improve our services, our site uses cookies. Cookies are small files that store information in your browser. These cookies identify and store specific information from your previous visits to the website. The user is not identifiable on the basis of this information, cookies do not store any personal data.

Cookies help, for example:

  • to ensure the proper functioning of our website;
  • to determine which pages and functions are used most often, so that we can best tailor our offer to your requirements
  • to remember your login details, which you then do not have to enter repeatedly

What cookies do we use?
We divide the cookies used on our website into two basic types. Short-term cookies, which are only used temporarily and remain stored on your device only until you close your browser, and long-term cookies, which remain stored on your device for longer.

In terms of the function that cookies fulfil, they can be divided as follows:

necessary - they are important for the basic functionality of the website, without their use the website would not work properly,
analytical - they allow us to analyze

Some cookies may collect non-personal information that may then be used by third parties and that, for example, directly supports our advertising activities (so-called "third-party cookies"). However, you can never be identified from this data.

Specifically, we use the following cookies:
Necessary cookies (2)
These cookies are necessary for proper functioning, security, proper display on a computer or mobile phone, storage of products in the cart, functioning of filling in and sending forms, etc. It is not possible to turn off technical cookies, without them our website would not function properly.

Název cookie Poskytovatel Účel Uložení
ASP.NET_SessionId Tento soubor cookie, který vydává aplikace ASP.NET společnosti Microsoft, ukládá údaje relace během návštěvy webové stránky uživatelem. Relace
__RequestVerificationToken Tento soubor cookie je nastaven webovou aplikací vytvořenou v technologiích ASP.NET MVC. Jedná se o soubor cookie proti falšování, který slouží k prevenci útoků typu cross site request forgery. Relace

Marketing Cookies (5)
We don't want to bother you with inappropriate advertising. These cookies allow us and our advertising partners to show you only relevant offers.

Název cookie Poskytovatel Účel Uložení
YSC Společnost Youtube nastavuje tento soubor cookie ke sledování zobrazení vložených videí na stránkách Youtube. Relace
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Služba YouTube nastavuje tento soubor cookie k měření šířky pásma a určuje, zda se uživateli zobrazí nové nebo staré rozhraní přehrávače. 6 měsíců
_METADATA Služba YouTube nastaví tento soubor cookie k uložení stavu souhlasu uživatele se soubory cookie pro aktuální doménu. 6 měsíců
yt-remote-device-id Služba YouTube nastavuje tento soubor cookie za účelem uložení uživatelských předvoleb videa při použití vložených videí YouTube. nikdy
-devices Služba YouTube nastavuje tento soubor cookie za účelem uložení uživatelských předvoleb videa při použití vložených videí YouTube. nikdy
ad_user_data google Nastavuje souhlas s odesíláním uživatelských údajů souvisejících s reklamou společnosti Google.  
ad_personalization google Nastavuje souhlas s personalizovanou reklamou.  

How to refuse the use of cookies?
The use of cookies can be set using your internet browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies by default. You can use the settings of your web browser to completely disable cookies or to allow the use of only certain cookies.

You can find the specific procedure for the most used web browsers here:

Do you have any questions? Contact us.